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Internet-Recordings : subpen and gruenzeug EP [www021]

Catalog number
Playtime: 22:12 - 320kb/s - 41.62 MB
Date released



technominimaldeepmelodicmusical4/4subtlebounceinternet recordingsloommannheimmodulationswww021johannesvanbebber Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

johannes van bebber and Loom (aka Manosonique) from Mannheim (Germany) are of the new generation of digital music producers... People who produce tunes and put them online (on Soundcloud or whatever), but then leave it at that; people who are creative with sound but do not actively pursue recording artist careers. This is their first official release.

Aside from bedroom-producing Techno once in a while, these two here dabble freely in various styles and genres. They occasionally connect for collaborations with other producers here and there.

johannes van bebber has also been playing several traditional instruments since his childhood and does multimedia-live-performances at theaters and festivals in Frankfurt, Giessen and Berlin together with various people (under monikers like "musica practica," with a strong focus on theoretical & reflective approaches).

Loom has gained a standing as a DJ in the local Techno scene around Mannheim.

johannes van bebber links: Soundcloud, Discogs
Loom links: Facebook, Soundcloud, Discogs

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